The Best Way To Clean Raw Chicken Juice From Your Counter Tops
Without Using Paper Towels or Spray Cleaners
- My name is Maura White and I'm an independent Norwex sales consultant. I have 2 daughters (ages 4 & 8) and am a WAHM.
- I'm also a former high school science teacher and the biggest skeptic when it comes to the usefulness of products, such as the ones Norwex has to offer. I watched someone else do the demo I showed you in the above video. When I watched it, my jaw just dropped and I didn't really believe it. Then, being a science teacher at heart, I needed to experiment myself. When I got my hands on an EnviroCloth, I too compared cleaners, and got the exact same results.
- Cleaning around my home using Norwex products has been so much easier and faster. I'm a tired mom just like you who wants to know all of the tips and tricks to simplify my daily chores so that I can spend more time enjoying my kids. This is why I'm sharing this with you today - because Norwex is one of those "Mom Secrets" that I want everyone to know about!
Here's What You're Getting When You Purchase Your EnviroCloth Today...
I have a frugal lifestyle blog over at Happy Deal - Happy Day where I've shared some other articles about Norwex products you may want to read:
- How To Clean The Interior Of Your Car In Record Time Without Spray Cleaners or Paper Towels
- How To Shave Your Legs Using Just Water – Say Goodbye To Shaving Cream & Bar Soap for Good!
- Tired Moms: Here Are The Top 5 Secrets to EASY Spring Cleaning!